September 2014 News - Update


New Season 2014-2015 - 

Don't forget to renew your US Fencing Association membership:

* you need it to register in a club for insurance purpose

* you need it to compete in the local, regional and national tournaments

PLEASE, register before your first Bay Cup tournament, or the event won't be sanctioned and no change of classifications will be approved.

And if you're new to Fencing, this is the link.

Check out the Bay Cup Calendar

Events for all here!

Come check the site often to hear about other local tournaments: RYC, Opens and more...

or go to to find tournaments and to register.

San Jose is hosting the Summer National at the end of the 2014-2015 Season

Checkout the NAC schedule here.

This year you can plan all your events:

All the schedules for each event have been planned already.

Just open the Athlete Packets for each NAC to check the day of your tournaments

And remember to write down the regular fee entry deadline to optimize your costs.

Our Division Qualifiers schedule will be announced before the end of the month

Regionals are important too - plan to participate

Checkout the schedule here.

RYC / SYC / RJCC ***(new this year) / ROC

For the youth tournaments, these offer a nice intro to the Nationals in a more 'relaxed' environment.

Looking for a club close to home?

Checkout our club page here.