Annual Members Meeting
at East Bay Fencers Gym in Oakland at 5:30pm
We need your vote! Please come and join us.
Announcing the 2014 Northern California Fencing Division Annual Members Meeting!
All voting members (18 years and above) of the Northern California Fencing Division are invited to attend the 2014 Annual Members Meeting to be held:
Saturday, June 14 at 5:30pm at East Bay Fencers Gym in Oakland, at 1429 Martin Luther King Jr Way.
The main order of business will be the election of the Division Officers for the 2014-2015 season.
A Nominating Committeecomposed of Peter Burchard, Bob Cotter and Sándor Mándoki, will recommend a slate of officers for the 2014-15 season. If a current Division member, in good standing, wishes to be nominated or wishes to nominate a current Division USFA member in good standing for any of the officers positions of Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, please contact the Nominating Committee Chair, Peter Burchard at: by June 9, 2014. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor on the day of the meeting on the 14th. Nominees must be current members of the USFA and at least 18 years of age.
The meeting agenda and the slate of officers as recommended by the Nominating Committee will be posted on the Northern California Website by June 9, 2014.
Please mark your calendars and plan on attending as your participation is important. Refreshments will be served.
If you have any questions, please contact the meeting coordinator, Nancy Philippine, current Division Secretary, via email at
In order to better plan the meeting, please send a note to Nancy at to let her know that you are planning to attend the meeting.
We hope to see you at the meeting on June 14 at 5:30 pm at East Bay Fencers Gym in Oakland.
Best regards,
Rob Rhea, Division Chair.
PS: the nominating committee contact info;
Peter Burchard: :
Bob Cotter:
Sándor Mándoki: